
Friday, May 19, 2017

tooth slide show

We made a slide show about a book called The tooth, a kiwi story it about a boy named Tim  when he was 4 he was lost in Pounamu River, he was found alive but his mother died trying to save him, have a look
This work was hard because we had to research about Napier biggest earthquake.
Feel free to comment blog you later.🐷🐷


We wrote about our skateboarding lesson .  we choose any style i choose a acrostic poem i put mine in different places it look pretty groovy well you decide . 😀 

Learning to Skateboard
SkAting fast
Told to put on gear

Easy but scary
Beautiful day
A whOle lot of fun
SkAting and stopping
Racing to the end
Doing starting position
Nicely put gear back in helmet
Getting ready to pack up

This work was hard because some of the letters were not related to skateboarding like A and O. I like the skateboarding because it was a challenge that you couldn't look at the floor when you were skate boarding .

feel free to leave a comment blog you later .

Fatu Feu’u art

We made artwork inspired by  Fatu Feu’u, a famous Samoan artist, have a look at my art work .

  We started by make 4 - 6 square and then we drew our patterns and then we stared painting . This work was hard because it was hard to control my paint brush. I am still happy with my work.
Feel free to leave a comment 💩💩 .

Cesar the Anzac dog

Hello blogging world  my class has been reading Caesar the Anzac Dog. Have a look at my slide show.

This actively was hard because i didn't know what to say   to Phillipa Werry. The book was really sad .
Feel free to comment blog you later.✌

Thursday, May 11, 2017

anzac writing

We made some writing about our Anzac Experience. Anzac Day is on the 25th of April🐻. i hope you enjoy my writing

Ring  ring ring! ugh is that my cousin alarm clock.
I walked down the hall to see what time  it is 1:00 I need to get back to sleep.

3:00 April 25 wellington I  woke up once more everyone woke up uncle denn got in his navy uniform I asked him why he told me he is in the parade I was  filled with joy. 4:30 April 25 wellington everyone  was ready the cousin lily and me I wore a blue dress with yellow flowers on it well  this it's funny because my cousins not Katelyn but Carlos and Quinn had to wear a tight tux they fall a few 100 times.

4:44 april 25 wellington city we are in the car we were itching to get out we didn’t have breakfast so we all got a hot chocolate from mickey D’s ( mcdonald's ). 5:00  april 25 wellington city we are fanly there we got a place in the front we saw denn all in his navy uniform. 6:00 april 25 wellington city the parade had finished we we got  back in the car.

7:00 april 25 wellington i was starting to itch we had arrived back
at the cousin's  house my dress was so uncomfortable i changed into a black 58 tee shirt and some trousers i new that we were going to roller land i got my roller blades on and then we drove to 11:00 i got my roller blades on   and we started skating we played limbo and 4 corners i won four corners but Quinn won limbo he is so tiny 12:00 aw we have to leave but before we did we got a lolly i got space man candy my cousin said i'm swag .

Well the fun over because we just watch pokemon fusions and played the tramp.

by jasmine . 

this work was super easy we just needed to write about our Anzac day but it was super fun too.

feel free to comment blog you later 😱😱😱😱😱.

Monday, May 8, 2017

My trench diary

Since it's been Anzac Day we wrote a piece of writing  about what it would be like in the trenches of W.W.1

Eye, Glasses - Free illustrations on Pixabay
blood , rats , bullets , fire ,  no man's land  dead trees , bodies.
Free vector graphic: Alphabet Word Images, Body, Drawing - Free ...
gunshots, soldiers screaming in pain, i hear sounds of rats and soldiers itching because of lice and ticks, coughing.
Free vector graphic: Mouth, Tongue, Teeth, Outline - Free Image on ...
I tastes old stale biscuits , slimy meat, jam and rat infested soup,none purified water.
Nose - Nariz | Sniff... Snif... | Davi Sommerfeld | Flickr
I smell mud, gun powder, the smell of mice, smoke .
Free vector graphic: Hand, Open, Wave, Cartoon, Brown - Free Image ...
I feel my gun betty ,some homemade bombs, a card from olly , my gas masks.
Free illustration: Heart, Cartoon, Drawing, Mesh - Free Image on ...
I feel fear running through my veins , my blood getting cuddling up my heart racing.
Thought, Bubble - Free images on Pixabay
This might be my last time writing in this journal .
this work was hard because we didn't know what it would actually be like in the trenches

feel free to comment k bye 🐹🐹.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

My blog Audience

In cyber smart we have been learning about our digital foot steps and our blog Audience. We created a  drawing about who will be looking at our work, like family and friends.

This work was easy and fun i liked doing the back ground and the pictures.

feel free to leave a comment blog you later.